Welcome to a special reading of Dog at Sea, by Greg A. Seff and illustrated by E. Smyth. Liz Smyth is a local artist and illustrator. She was born and raised in Montauk, New York. The Montauk Library would like to thank Liz for sharing her talents with the Library and the community. Enjoy this reading of Dog at Sea, a book about a dog that finds himself stranded and alone in the ocean.
Liz’s bio from her book:
E. Smyth has been drawing for as long as she can remember. She attended Pratt Institute and the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. E. Smyth has worked as a portrait artist, newspaper illustrator, plein air artist, and has created album cover art. Dog at Sea is the first children’s book she has had the pleasure of illustrating and she is currently at work on a second. Her home is where her heart is, at the tip of Long Island.
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