Posts Tagged:Birdwatching

Throwback Thursday – Bird Lovers Weekend

Throwback Thursday – Bird Lovers Weekend

Winter birdwatching in Montauk draws a dedicated and frostbitten crowd who are rewarded for their resiliency with abundant scoters, razorbills, loons, eiders, and many species of dabbling ducks amassing along the shorelines, lakes, and ponds. “It was agreed that Montauk was a marvel in the feathers department, particularly in the off-season and after a spell… Read more »

Throwback Thursday – Friends of a Feather

Don’t feel bad if in the flurry of the winter holidays you forgot to observe National Bird Day on January 5. There are bald eagles, snowy owls, turkey vultures, sea ducks, even chubby little chickadees that are still worth a turn of the head. National Bird Day was created to honor birds that live in… Read more »