July So Far…Sharks, Magic, Jackson Pollock Painting!

     July has been so much fun at the Montauk Library so far! We have had a shark program, a magic show, and Jackson Pollock painting, just to name a few of our fun events!  We’ve also had a lot of children and teens sign up for our summer reading program! There’s still time to join if you haven’t done so already, and you can find all of the information and rules here.  We are giving away some great prizes, including two Kindle Fires!

     On July 7th we had an awesome program called All About Sharks, where Scott Curatolo-Wagemann from Cornell Cooperative Extension gave a talk about sharks, their habitats, the stigmas against them, shark conservation efforts and how he survived a shark attack.  We had a packed house for this event and Scott had the audience on the edge of their seats while talking about his shark attack story!

     Another awesome event we had was the magic show on July 9th featuring the magician Amore and his On Your Mark, Get Set, READ Magic Show!  We had over 100 people attend this event and Amore made the audience laugh and amazed them with his magic tricks.  Members of the audience were able to go on stage and assist him with his magic tricks.  The audience loved Amore and his awesome show – perfect for a cloudy day in Montauk!

     Last, but certainly not least, is our Jackson Pollock Painting program that took place on July 12th! This was probably my personal favorite program, just because it was so creative, messy and fun! Children learned about artist Jackson Pollock, an amazing artist who lived right in their backyards – in East Hampton, NY! They replicated his drip style of painting on small canvases to take home and then made two beautiful large canvases for the library to keep! The canvases are currently on display in the lower level of the library for all to see! Thankfully, this program took place outside, so kids were free to splatter without worrying about getting things too messy! Everyone let loose and had an awesome art-filled afternoon!

     Did you miss these programs? Don’t worry –  we have a ton of fun events coming up. Check out our upcoming programs here and be sure to sign up with Miss Jackie in the children’s department!

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