Posts Tagged:Al Holden collection

Throwback Thursday – Alma Baker’s Luncheonette

It’s hard to believe that 100 years have passed since this rather somber photograph was taken at Alma Baker’s Luncheonette. The restaurant catered to passengers who arrived in Montauk’s old fishing village on Fishermen’s Special trains, day trippers who were eager to hop on a boat and hook what was sure to be a plentiful… Read more »

Throwback Thursday – Repurposing a Resort

Imagine girls dancing with servicemen in the elegant lobby ballroom. Picture the grandly arched dining room transformed into a mess hall for military personnel. That’s what the Montauk Manor looked like during World War II after the Navy appropriated the luxurious resort to serve as a military barracks – portions of which can be spotted… Read more »

Throwback Thursday – Meals at the Montauk Manor

Meals at the Montauk Manor, 1940s Manor staff carry buffet trays, 1940s Manor dining room, circa 1940s  Two black and white photographs depicting the splendor of meals at the Montauk Manor in the 1940s, and the enthusiasm of diners at the time.  Al Holden and Richard T. Gilmartin Collections Montauk Library Archives Seconds, anyone? In… Read more »

Throwback Thursday- Earth Day

Giorgina Reid fights erosion on the Lighthouse bluffs, from the Al Holden collection. Today is Earth Day, its 51st birthday.  Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson kick-started the event on April 22, 1970, after observing the sickening results of a California oil spill the year before. “Twenty million Americans were inspired by Earth Day— at the time,… Read more »