To support Montauk families in celebrating National Crayon Day, we have rounded up some of the best (free!) coloring websites and apps- no crayons or paper needed!
Check out this list of free coloring websites for toddlers, big kids and parents:
Online-coloring is a fun coloring site for little ones and older kids. The site also has links to online activities.
Michael O’Mara Books is an independent London book publisher that has beautiful pages to color for parents and kids. Choose your coloring book, select a color and start coloring!
Another fun “click and color” site!
With endless designs, Color Mandalas is a treasure trove of mandala creativity!
A wide selection of coloring pages for all, this site lives up to its name.
Coloring pages and games (and a whole lot more!) for first grade up to sixth grade can be found at Mr. Nussbaum’s learning page.
Free coloring apps for your device:

For reviewed media content, please visit Common Sense Media. Common Sense Media provides age-based ratings and reviews of the latest movies, TV shows, books and apps so parents can make informed decisions about digital media and content exposure.
Here are some addition resources to help celebrate National Crayon Day:
- WOODTV.comCelebrate National Crayon Day with fun crafting ideas from CrayolaGRAND RAPIDS, Mich (WOOD) – March 31st is National Crayon Day and to celebrate, Crayola has a ton of awesome resources online for kids
- The Bump (press release)Here Are Some Crafts You Can Do in Honor of National …Happy National Crayon Day! Most of us are continuing to settle into working remotely, homeschooling kids, social-distancing from others, etc.
- Patch.comFrom Learning Without Tears: Need a pick me up? Pick up a crayon!National Crayon Day is a day to celebrate the invention of crayons and the joy of coloring. We have lots of fun resources and activities to help
- Fun Facts:South Florida ReporterThe Average Child Will Wear Down Over 720 Crayons By The …Each year, on March 31st children and adults alike, pick up their favorite colors for National Crayon Day. Opening up a box of crayons opens up
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