Posts By:Montauk Library

Throwback Thursday- Earth Day

Giorgina Reid fights erosion on the Lighthouse bluffs, from the Al Holden collection. Today is Earth Day, its 51st birthday.  Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson kick-started the event on April 22, 1970, after observing the sickening results of a California oil spill the year before. “Twenty million Americans were inspired by Earth Day— at the time,… Read more »

Bilingual Storytime with Mary Jane: Zoe Pirate

Welcome to Bilingual Storytime with Mary Jane. Today, Mary Jane will be reading Zoe Pirate by Pascal Teulade from beautiful St. Bart’s Island. For more books by the author, visit

PlayFit with Miss Rachel: BIG Workout!

Welcome to PlayFit with Miss Rachel. Today Miss Rachel will be reading, Being Small (Isn’t so bad after all) by Lori Orlinsky. Then get ready for a BIG workout! For more info about the author, visit  

Throwback Thursday- Bicycle Race

Although cyclists ride year-round, springtime is the season associated with outdoor athletics.  This photograph from the collection of Al Holden was donated with the information, “Bike race start at Gosman’s.”  Although undated, most likely this photograph was taken in the late 1970s.  George Watson, owner of the Dock, began launching annual athletic events from his… Read more »

April Riddles! Good Luck!

Riddles are a great way get the mind out of a rut and stimulate creative thinking in adults and kids. We have put together some riddles to solve and share. Get your thinking caps on! Click on the links below: April Riddles Part 1 April Riddles Part 2